Features & Lifestyle

FEATURE: The hobbies that keep your brain sharp

FEATURE: The hobbies that keep your brain sharp

Whether you’re concerned about forgetting things more often than you used to, failing to react as quickly as you once did, or you find yourself struggling to put your finger on the word that you’re looking for, there are all kinds of reasons to work on keeping your brain sharp.

August 18, 2022
FEATURE: How 2022 has changed people’s financial plans

FEATURE: How 2022 has changed people’s financial plans

2022 has been a difficult year financially for people in the UK.

Fuel prices have hit record levels, energy costs are spiralling, and inflation has reached a 40-year high.

August 17, 2022
READER’S LETTER: Cheshire Police must solve more burglaries and thefts

READER’S LETTER: Cheshire Police must solve more burglaries and thefts

Dear Editor,
In Crewe SW and Wistaston, over a period of three years (6/2019-5/2022), Cheshire Police failed to solve a single burglary.

The best performance locally was Nantwich SW, but even there 60 of the 70 burglaries went unsolved.

August 11, 2022
FEATURE: Best ways to earn money online: What you need to know

FEATURE: Best ways to earn money online: What you need to know

There are a lot of ways to make money online.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the number of options available, but the key is finding which ones are the best for you.

August 10, 2022
FEATURE: Leverage trading and risk management

FEATURE: Leverage trading and risk management

In-depth analysis and risk management are fundamental to all investments, including leverage trading.

Leverage trading can allow traders to make high returns without the need to own a large amount of capital.

August 8, 2022
FEATURE: How to automatically check students for plagiarism

FEATURE: How to automatically check students for plagiarism

Plagiarism remains a major concern in the world of academics. Submitting other people’s work as your own may have serious consequences.

Internet development and modern technology enhance access to information.

August 5, 2022
FEATURE: Taking a step towards a greener planet

FEATURE: Taking a step towards a greener planet

Our planet is in dire straits. This has brought governments from around the globe together to agree on how the negative trends can be reversed before it is too late.

We provide a snapshot of the issues currently facing our planet and the advantages of going green from a holistic, combined perspective.

August 5, 2022
FEATURE: Simple ways you can feel more in control this year

FEATURE: Simple ways you can feel more in control this year

Right now, it can feel like control in your life is a little hard to come by.

It has been an incredibly difficult couple of years for everyone, and there are so many different stress factors working against us at any one time.

August 3, 2022
FEATURE: Everything you need to know when moving to Singapore

FEATURE: Everything you need to know when moving to Singapore

The decision to move to another country is a big one, but you can’t go far wrong by moving to Singapore.

This tropical Asian nirvana has become quite the destination for foreign ex-pats due to its job opportunities, quality of life, and picturesque scenery.

July 31, 2022
READER’S LETTER: “Relief and despair” at latest CEC gritting decision

READER’S LETTER: “Relief and despair” at latest CEC gritting decision

Dear Editor
Re: Coole Lane WILL be gritted after CEC reinstates it to winter programme – By Belinda Ryan, 26th July 2022 (Nantwich News)

I read this article with a mixture of relief and despair; relief that at two dangerous routes have been reinstated to the Cheshire East Council’s gritting routes but despair that so many routes have been effectively ignored.

July 27, 2022
FEATURE: Unequal opportunity: Minorities in education

FEATURE: Unequal opportunity: Minorities in education

The sad truth is that even now, not everyone has equal rights in education.

Often, ethnic minority students are discriminated against in educational opportunities.

July 22, 2022
South Cheshire Chamber salutes sponsors ahead of business awards

South Cheshire Chamber salutes sponsors ahead of business awards

South Cheshire Chamber of Commerce has paid tribute to its long-standing Business Awards sponsors as the search for this year’s 25th anniversary winners gets underway.

The official entry process has opened with several of the area’s big businesses, such as Bentley Motors in Crewe, returning to support the awards.

July 21, 2022
READER’S LETTER: Crewe Royal Arcade “Art for Who’s Sake?

READER’S LETTER: Crewe Royal Arcade “Art for Who’s Sake?

Dear Editor,
So Cheshire East Council has commissioned a huge public art piece to adorn the side of the Royal Arcade Bus Station as we were told by a fellow Crewe Councillor at Wednesday’s full Council meeting!

Elected members at the meeting looked bemused – many of us knew nothing about it! (It appears we missed the email sent out late the previous afternoon).

July 21, 2022