Features & Lifestyle

FEATURE: 5 reasons why Gap Insurance could be right for you

FEATURE: 5 reasons why Gap Insurance could be right for you

Although we all try to be as careful as we can out on the road, inevitably accidents can and do happen.

Whether your car skids off the road on a patch of black ice, or you get T-boned coming out of a junction – if you’re driving on the road there’s always a chance your car might end up taking the brunt of a collision.

August 22, 2021
FEATURE: 3 memorable travel experiences for you to try

FEATURE: 3 memorable travel experiences for you to try

It’s safe to say that just about everyone has had a case or two of wanderlust.

After all, travel is an activity with nearly universal appeal.

August 20, 2021
FEATURE: How to start an online business

FEATURE: How to start an online business

Working online has many advantages: you do not have to leave your house, you do not have to spend hours commuting and you have more freedom.

That is exactly why a lot of people prefer it.

August 20, 2021
FEATURE: How to send your kids back to school on a budget

FEATURE: How to send your kids back to school on a budget

With September just around the corner, it signals getting ready to send kids back to school.

It’s often an exciting time, but also an expensive one when you add up the cost of school supplies, a new backpack, lunchbox, and clothes.

August 17, 2021
READER’S LETTER: Part of West Street wall in Crewe should have been kept

READER’S LETTER: Part of West Street wall in Crewe should have been kept

Dear Editor
In 2015 a London pub was demolished without permission by developers.

The Carlton Cavern was the only building on the street that wasn’t destroyed during the Blitz in World War Two.

August 16, 2021
FEATURE: Is it a good to trade Cryptocurrencies – The pros and cons

FEATURE: Is it a good to trade Cryptocurrencies – The pros and cons

While it may have been a turbulent year for crypto assets, there are signs that the market may once again be on an upward trajectory having recently seen its total capitalisation value break out above the $1.40 trillion mark.

August 10, 2021
READER’S LETTER: Stop further consultation on parish abolition

READER’S LETTER: Stop further consultation on parish abolition

Dear Editor,
In the three Parish Polls on the 10/6/21, residents voted by massive majorities against the changes proposed by the Cheshire East Council.

August 6, 2021
READER’S LETTER: Politicians “make life difficult” for elderly

READER’S LETTER: Politicians “make life difficult” for elderly

Dear Editor
Politicians of all colours and the BBC are doing their best to make life difficult for the elderly.

First, the Tories proposed a deeply unpopular ‘Dementia Tax’ in their 2017 Manifesto.

July 27, 2021
Janet Clowes, Conservative group leader

READER’S LETTER: CEC telecare charges debate “not simple”

Dear Editor,
19th July 2021: “Anger over Cheshire East Consultation to charge over 85’s for alarms” (Belinda Ryan)

I read this article with interest – after all, I was the Cabinet member in 2015 who oversaw the implementation of this policy.

July 20, 2021
READER’S LETTER: Year on and Wistaston Green Road danger not fixed

READER’S LETTER: Year on and Wistaston Green Road danger not fixed

Dear Editor,
I raised my concerns last August and again in January this year relating to the safety of walkers on the busy Wistaston Green Road in Wistaston, due to its degraded road surface and the obstructions and narrowing of the path adjacent to the Bellway ‘Kingfisher Reach’ housing development construction site

July 19, 2021
FEATURE: 6 food safety tips for restaurants and cafes

FEATURE: 6 food safety tips for restaurants and cafes

Any commercial kitchen should prioritise the proper management of food safety, whether you’re a large restaurant kitchen that serves hundreds of visiting diners every night or even a small cafe that feeds just a handful of locals.

July 18, 2021
FEATURE: Why you should always compare prices

FEATURE: Why you should always compare prices

There are many money-saving tips out there recommended by professionals, and one that you may have heard of is comparing prices.

Understandably, you may also have some questions about it.

July 14, 2021
FEATURE: Should you get veneers for that perfect smile?

FEATURE: Should you get veneers for that perfect smile?

If you’re bashful about flashing your grin in public and it’s causing you to worry or stress, you may want to look into a cosmetic procedure to give you a little more confidence.

July 12, 2021