
Volunteers turn Nantwich tree blue to mark Dementia Action Week

Volunteers turn Nantwich tree blue to mark Dementia Action Week

Volunteers of Creating Dementia Friendly Nantwich are turning a town centre tree blue to mark Dementia Action Week.

They have decorated a tree outside St Mary’s Church in Nantwich in the colour blue, representing the Forget-Me-Not flower, the recognised symbol of Dementia Awareness.

May 17, 2021
Nantwich mum wins backing for national Be Kind Awards

Nantwich mum wins backing for national Be Kind Awards

A Nantwich mum who has set up an awards scheme to celebrate the kindness of schoolchildren, has earned the backing of a major employer.

Sarah Gregory launched the Be Kind Awards to recognise acts of kindness carried out by children across the nation.

May 14, 2021
“Pedal for Pounds” Cancer Research event comes to Crewe and Nantwich

“Pedal for Pounds” Cancer Research event comes to Crewe and Nantwich

A month-long virtual cycling challenge for all ages and abilities, Pedal For Pounds, is coming to South Cheshire in June in a bid to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

May 14, 2021
Police hunt attacker who targeted cyclist in Crewe

Police hunt attacker who targeted cyclist in Crewe

Detectives are hunting an attacker who seriously assaulted a cyclist and stole his bike.

The robbery happened in Crewe when the victim, a man in his 20s who lives in the town, was cycling near the junction of Ruskin Road and Gainsborough Road.

May 14, 2021
Leighton Hospital celebrates 40,000 Covid vaccine milestone

Leighton Hospital celebrates 40,000 Covid vaccine milestone

Leighton Hospital teams are celebrating after reaching the milestone of administering 40,000 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Its vaccination centre opened on December 29 with the aim to vaccinate 7,000 people, including frontline healthcare workers and priority groups.

May 13, 2021
Nantwich Scout group returns with outdoor meetings

Nantwich Scout group returns with outdoor meetings

A Nantwich Scout group has returned to action after a year out from Covid – with weekly “outdoor” meetings!

And thanks to a donation, the 38th Cheshire Scouts group is able to stage them safely after buying face coverings, sanitiser and outdoor equipment.

May 13, 2021
Cheshire Police dogs issued ID cards to tighten law on attacks

Cheshire Police dogs issued ID cards to tighten law on attacks

Cheshire’s police dogs have been issued with individual collar numbers and ID cards in a bid to protect them from injuries and attacks by suspects.

The introduction of collar numbers comes after the passing of Finn’s Law in 2019.

May 12, 2021
Cheshire East “Swab Squad” pilots rapid testing advice in supermarkets

Cheshire East “Swab Squad” pilots rapid testing advice in supermarkets

Cheshire East Council’s “Swab Squad” is piloting a new rapid testing service across the borough.

The “Swab Squad” is a team which aims to support residents and local business with Covid-19 testing.

May 11, 2021
Police step up presence in Stapeley amid reports of drug dealing

Police step up presence in Stapeley amid reports of drug dealing

Police in Nantwich say they are stepping up their presence on an estate in Stapeley amid reports of problems with drug dealing and use.

Some residents on the Pear Tree Field/Cronkinson development say dealing has been going on for weeks “openly” with young men in cars and on bikes.

May 11, 2021
CEC submits bid to strengthen land development planning policy

CEC submits bid to strengthen land development planning policy

Cheshire East Council has submitted proposed changes to its development and planning policies to be examined by an independent planning inspector.

The proposed changes follow four rounds of consultation with residents and local councils, in which they received more than 4,000 comments.

May 10, 2021
Rubbish left on Brookfield Park

Brookfield Park campaigners to stage “beach” event on clean up day

Brookfield Park in Nantwich will become a beach on Sunday (May 16) with residents coming together to clean up the town and plant a brighter future.

And they plan to stage a flower-laying ceremony in remembrance of young trees that lost their lives in the park, destroyed recently by vandal attacks.

May 10, 2021
Crewe West by election shows people “fed up” with Labour, claims MP

Crewe West by election shows people “fed up” with Labour, claims MP

The Crewe and Nantwich MP claims the Crewe West by election result shows people are “fed up with local Labour councillors”.

Crewe Labour Party won the seat, but its share of the vote hit a ten-year low, mirroring poor performances in local elections around the UK.

May 10, 2021
Conservative John Dwyer elected as Cheshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Conservative John Dwyer elected as Cheshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Conservative John Dwyer has regained the position of Cheshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner after Thursday’s election.

The result was declared at 8.15pm this evening (May 8) with Mr Dwyer collecting 111,962 votes compared to second candidate, incumbent David Keane (Labour), who achieved 99,463 votes after first and second preferences were declared.

May 8, 2021