
nantwich town centre

Police arrest one after temporary “stop and search” in Nantwich

Police arrested one person during their temporary “stop and search” powers in Nantwich – and have vowed to step up patrols in the town.

It comes after several reports that a gang of young males dressed all in black have been making threats to residents.

September 18, 2023
Schoolgirl, 10, helps Crewe care home resident read again

Schoolgirl, 10, helps Crewe care home resident read again

An elderly care home resident in South Cheshire has learned to read again – with help from a big-hearted primary school pupil!

Violet, 79, was determined to show age is no barrier to achieve her dream of learning to read again.

September 18, 2023
Police given extra stop and search powers in Nantwich after incidents

Police given extra stop and search powers in Nantwich after incidents

Police officers in Nantwich have been given more powers to stop and search anyone they suspect of carrying a weapon, it emerged today.

It follows a number of incidents over the past week of threats and criminal damage in the town, mainly involving youths.

September 17, 2023
St Luke’s Hospice fears shop closures due to volunteer shortage

St Luke’s Hospice fears shop closures due to volunteer shortage

A lack of volunteers is forcing St Luke’s Hospice to close some of its shops on busy days.

And there are fears that there will be more closures among its nine stores in the future.

September 17, 2023
New Nantwich skate park suffers anti-social behaviour

New Nantwich skate park suffers anti-social behaviour

Police say they are aware of anti-social behaviour already affecting the newly opened skate park on the Barony in Nantwich.

Councillors and Crewe and Nantwich MP have voiced concerns about the problems just a few days after the park officially re-opened earlier this month.

September 17, 2023
Noisy vehicle device could be rolled out across Cheshire East

Noisy vehicle device could be rolled out across Cheshire East

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
A noise-activated road-side device which triggered more than 500 warning letters to drivers in one part of Cheshire East could be rolled out across the borough in future.

Cheshire Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer said the noise-activated camera in Wilmslow was triggered 1,099 times by cars over the decibel limit.

September 17, 2023
Willaston children to lose free school transport in further CEC cuts

Willaston children to lose free school transport in further CEC cuts

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Children in Willaston are among 75 who could lose their free school transport because Cheshire East Council says there are available walking routes.

The move could save the cash-strapped authority an estimated £79,500 a year, as it looks to plug a massive £20 million funding gap.

September 15, 2023
e-scooter - cheshire police image

Police bosses pledge to target e-scooters “plague” in Nantwich

Police chiefs have pledged to target e-scooters “plaguing” the streets of Nantwich, town councillors were told.

Crime Commissioner John Dwyer said six e-scooters in the town had already been seized and issued a warning to parents not to buy the “illegal” machines for their kids.

September 15, 2023
Nantwich councillors agree to fund half day library opening

Nantwich councillors agree to fund half day library opening

Nantwich Town councillors have agreed to pay £22,000 to keep the town’s library open for an extra half day.

But a debate at last night’s town council meeting descended into a political row over the issue.

September 15, 2023
Appeal for information following assault in Nantwich

Appeal for information following assault in Nantwich

Detectives are appealing for witnesses and video footage following an alleged assault on a woman at Nantwich Lake.

The incident happened over a month ago on Thursday August 10.

September 14, 2023
Eight orphaned seal pups arrive at RSPCA Stapeley Grange

Eight orphaned seal pups arrive at RSPCA Stapeley Grange

Hard-working staff at RSPCA Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre are rehabilitating eight orphaned seal pups.

The centre on London Road in Nantwich had braced itself for a surge in intake of baby seals at the start of the traditional seal season.

September 13, 2023
Cheshire East faces £306m SEN deficit by 2028, stark figures show

Cheshire East faces £306m SEN deficit by 2028, stark figures show

By Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter
Cheshire East Council’s current £46.9m deficit on its special educational needs budget is forecast to rise to a whopping £306.9m by 2028.

Councils across the UK are struggling with massive deficits in their dedicated schools grant budget because funding has not matched soaring demand and spiralling costs.

September 13, 2023
New spray kits in South Cheshire shops aim to catch thieves

New spray kits in South Cheshire shops aim to catch thieves

New spray kits have been handed out to shops and businesses across South Cheshire to deter thieves.

SelectaDNA Intruder Spray kits have been installed as part of Cheshire Police’s Operation Shield initiative.

September 13, 2023