Cheshire East Council scheme claims to deliver more affordable homes
Cheshire East Council says a new housing development framework will ensure greater control on the type, price and forms of housing on council-owned land sold to developers.
Cheshire East Council says a new housing development framework will ensure greater control on the type, price and forms of housing on council-owned land sold to developers.
Two Nantwich organisations have stepped up pressure on Cheshire East Council to rethink bringing back car parking charges in the town.
Many retailers and residents are furious at the decision by CEC to reintroduce the charges on the day non-essential shops are allowed to reopen as lockdown restrictions ease.
Three councils across Cheshire have secured £5.4m in European funding to support young people and adults who need help to find work, training or further education.
The “free after 3pm” parking initiative will be retained on certain car parks from June 15, including Snow Hill in Nantwich.
Cheshire East Council confirmed this as it issued a defence of its decision to re-introduce parking charges from Monday as non-essential shops re-open.
A police probe into two separate allegations against Cheshire East Council have been dropped, it emerged today.
One investigation was into an allegation of misconduct and fraud in relation to the awarding of a contract to a fitness company back in 2015.
Nantwich councillors today revealed they were “not even consulted” by Cheshire East Council over a move to bring back parking charges from June 15.
The four Cheshire East councillors representing Nantwich wrote a “strongly worded” joint letter to the authority asking for an explanation.
More than 1,000 people have signed a petition in just 12 hours calling for Cheshire East Council not to reintroduce parking charges from June 15.
We revealed yesterday how the authority was going to bring back charges across its car parks in Nantwich, Crewe and other towns.
Cheshire East Council is to reintroduce parking charges across Nantwich and the rest of the borough from Monday (June 15).
But the move has been criticised by Crewe and Nantwich MP Dr Kieran Mullan, who has called for a rethink.
Cheshire MPs say they have made a breakthrough in the campaign to save Chester Zoo.
Today, the MPs including Kieran Mullan of Crewe and Nantwich, and Edward Timpson of Eddisbury, say they have “secured a commitment” from Zoos Minister Zac Goldsmith.
Beam Street in Nantwich town centre will be closed to traffic as part of measures to make social distancing easier, it was revealed today.
From June 15, the Swinemarket and Oatmarket sections of the through road will be closed to vehicles between the junctions with Waterlode and Manor Road.
Crewe & Nantwich MP Dr Kieran Mullan MP has vowed to “work as hard as I can” to support the 1,000 Bentley Motors workers set to lose their jobs.
He reacted to the news today that the Crewe car maker has launched a “voluntary release programme” in a bid to reduce its workforce by 1,000.
Cheshire East Council has launched a £4.28m discretionary fund to support small businesses.
The funding, which will be issued in a phased approach, will initially be open to applications for a 14-day period for the following prioritised businesses:
Cheshire East Council has appointed an equality, diversity and inclusion “champion”.
Councillor Marilyn Houston’s role will come into even sharper focus in light of the Black Lives Matter movement following the US death of George Floyd.
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