Letters & Opinion

LETTER: Lymphoma Action hosts chemotherapy webinar

LETTER: Lymphoma Action hosts chemotherapy webinar

Dear Editor,
Lymphoma Action is hosting a webinar about chemotherapy on Tuesday 28 March from 12:30pm to 1:30pm.

Readers affected by lymphoma may be interested and can register to join this free event if they go to www.lymphoma-action.org.uk/ChemoWebinar1

March 8, 2023
LETTER: Nantwich Library to the rescue – Voter ID – no problem

LETTER: Nantwich Library to the rescue – Voter ID – no problem

Dear Editor
As many of you are aware, there is new government legislation in place that requires people to bring ID to the polling station.

This isn’t a problem for people who readily have a bus pass, driving licence or passport to hand but for those who don’t and are not digitally savvy, this presents a barrier to them voting, which is a concern.

March 4, 2023
LETTER: Voter ID creates new barriers to the ballot box

LETTER: Voter ID creates new barriers to the ballot box

Dear Editor,
For the first time ever, voters in this year’s local elections for Cheshire East council will have to bring photo ID to the polling station.

This isn’t a small adjustment – voter ID is the biggest change to our elections in a generation and creates new barriers between the public and the ballot box.

March 3, 2023
LETTER: Crewe FC plea to Cheshire East Council action

LETTER: Crewe FC plea to Cheshire East Council action

Dear Editor,
An Open Letter regarding the future of Crewe FC to Lorraine O’Donnell, Sam Corcoran & Cheshire East Council:

As you know, Crewe FC have been trying for many years (since 2016) to get a new venue that can be the home for our club and help meet the incredible demand there is locally for boys and girls to play football.

February 24, 2023
LETTER: Extra £4.4m Household Support Fund for CEC is welcome

LETTER: Extra £4.4m Household Support Fund for CEC is welcome

Dear Editor,
As we all struggle with rising inflation and energy bills, I’m delighted that Cheshire East is to receive a further £4,407,784 of Government Funding to extend the Household Support Fund for another year until 31st March 2024.

This is in addition to the £2.2m of this same grant that Cheshire East Council received from Government for the year 2022-2023, and represents the council’s share of £842 million of additional funding that will be allocated from 1st April to help the most vulnerable households across England.

February 21, 2023
LETTER: No one questioning CEC allocation of school grants

LETTER: No one questioning CEC allocation of school grants

Dear Editor,
I asked earlier this week: Is anyone else questioning the allocation of the dedicated schools grant, due to be ratified at next week’s CE’s Children & Families Committee? That meeting was held – and the answer is no.

Just to clarify the situation for everyone, the grant money has been allocated at three different rates based on deprivation factors.

February 20, 2023
LETTER: Crewe’s Valley Brook a graveyard for trolleys

LETTER: Crewe’s Valley Brook a graveyard for trolleys

Dear Editor,
Crewe’s Valley Brook is a graveyard for abandoned supermarket trolleys.

Taxpayers’ funding of over £3 MILLION has been granted for the Valley Brook Corridor in Crewe.

February 19, 2023
LETTER: Why are some CEC schools taking financial hit?

LETTER: Why are some CEC schools taking financial hit?

Dear Editor,
As we approach the budget setting council meeting at Cheshire East I have to ask:

Is anyone else questioning the allocation of the dedicated schools grant, due to be ratified at next week’s CE’s Children & Families Committee?

February 13, 2023
LETTER: Ridiculous no updates on Reaseheath A51 bypass

LETTER: Ridiculous no updates on Reaseheath A51 bypass

Dear Editor
It’s ridiculous that no-one seems to be able to up-date residents as to when the new Reaseheath/Kingsbourne Estate A51 by-pass will open.

February 8, 2023
LETTER: CEC should not gamble on “property speculation”

LETTER: CEC should not gamble on “property speculation”

Dear Editor,
Labour-run Cheshire East should NOT be gambling the hard earned Council taxes of local people on property speculation.

In 2019 Labour run Cheshire East bought the B&Q site in Weston Road, Crewe for £22.3m.

February 7, 2023
LETTER: Why is duel fuel in Cheshire more expensive?

LETTER: Why is duel fuel in Cheshire more expensive?

Dear Editor
I contacted you about this on 14th October 2022 and also copied in our MP asking him to contact Ofgem and provide a comment quickly to his constituents through Nantwich News.

The question was – why Cheshire had to pay for Duel Fuel £121 more than the cheapest area?

February 7, 2023
LETTER: People unaware of photo ID at polling stations

LETTER: People unaware of photo ID at polling stations

Dear Editor,
The new requirement to show a specific photo ID at polling stations, which kicks in on the 4th May in certain parts of the country, is the biggest change to how we vote in a generation.

It’s going to come as a surprise to many voters – a poll published on the 13th January 2023 found that just 33% of people were aware of this requirement.

February 4, 2023
LETTER: Parking charges in Cheshire East is “absolute scandal”

LETTER: Parking charges in Cheshire East is “absolute scandal”

Dear Editor,
Labour run Cheshire East plans to increase parking charges in Crewe by a whopping 10%.

Instead of £1.20 for two hours it will be £1.32. Crewe is the biggest but the most economically and socially deprived town in Cheshire East.

January 30, 2023