Features & Lifestyle

FEATURE: Harnessing psychic insights: exploring the power of psychic readings

FEATURE: Harnessing psychic insights: exploring the power of psychic readings

In a world full of mysteries, the human mind possesses abilities that surpass the ordinary.

One such fascinating phenomenon is psychic readings. Often misunderstood and surrounded by scepticism, such readings can offer profound insights when approached with an open mind.

July 16, 2023
LETTER: Crewe is the ‘Pothole Capital’ of Cheshire East

LETTER: Crewe is the ‘Pothole Capital’ of Cheshire East

Dear Editor,
#CreweFirst is campaigning to have ALL the potholes to have speedy, long lasting repairs.

In 22/23, 23% LESS potholes were repaired in Crewe compared to the previous year.

July 14, 2023
FEATURE: Jaw-dropping Bucket List holiday destinations

FEATURE: Jaw-dropping Bucket List holiday destinations

The practice of composing a ‘bucket list’ is now fairly mainstream. There are only so many experiences that we can enjoy during our brief time on Earth, after all.

In view of this fact, it’s worth setting down a list of locations that you really, really want to visit, and to work your way through them as the years go by.

July 14, 2023
FEATURE: Secured loans v unsecured loans: What are they and which is right for you?

FEATURE: Secured loans v unsecured loans: What are they and which is right for you?

Borrowing money is an inherently risky endeavour, but one that every one of us engages in at some point.

Whether dipping into an overdraft to buy a necessary item, or entering into a decades-long mortgage agreement in order to buy a home, borrowing is a fact of life.

July 14, 2023
FEATURE: Arts and culture: Embracing creativity in every form

FEATURE: Arts and culture: Embracing creativity in every form

The arts and culture sector is a dazzling kaleidoscope, a melting pot of ideas, emotions, and aesthetics.

This vast field pulsates with creative energy, from traditional fine art to contemporary installations, theatrical performances, to cultural festivals.

July 12, 2023
FEATURE: How thick should acrylic sheet be?

FEATURE: How thick should acrylic sheet be?

Acrylic sheets have become increasingly popular for various applications due to their versatility and durability.

Whether you’re considering using acrylic for a DIY project, signage, or even protective barriers, one important factor to consider is the thickness of the acrylic sheet.

July 12, 2023
FEATURE: The evolution of work radios: From entertainment to construction necessity

FEATURE: The evolution of work radios: From entertainment to construction necessity

Work radios have come a long way since their inception as portable entertainment devices.

Initially designed for personal enjoyment, these radios have evolved into essential tools in various industries, particularly in construction.

July 11, 2023
FEATURE: Easy home improvement projects for boosting property value

FEATURE: Easy home improvement projects for boosting property value

It’s amazing how little changes can make a big difference in our property’s perceived value.

And implementing strategic home improvements is a great way to start. It helps attract potential buyers and maximizes your return on investment.

July 8, 2023
FEATURE: Explore some modern and classic door handle designs for your home

FEATURE: Explore some modern and classic door handle designs for your home

Every small detail has meaning when it comes to your home’s interior design. The door handles you pick ⁠ are no exception.

Aptly placed, they have the power to be the ideal finishing touch for any room’s decor.

July 7, 2023
FEATURE: 4 tips for reducing conflict during a separation

FEATURE: 4 tips for reducing conflict during a separation

In 2021, ONS figures showed that 113,505 divorces were granted in England and Wales – an increase of 9.6% compared to 2020.

Census data released in 2023 also found that around half of all marriages will end in divorce.

July 7, 2023
FEATURE: 5 excellent costume ideas for boys at a fancy dress competition

FEATURE: 5 excellent costume ideas for boys at a fancy dress competition

When it comes to a fancy dress competition, boys can let their creativity shine by choosing a unique and captivating costume.

The possibilities are endless, whether they want to become a superhero, a historical figure, or an imaginary character.

July 6, 2023
LETTER: CEC’s cut back plan for libraries is “atrocious”

LETTER: CEC’s cut back plan for libraries is “atrocious”

Dear Editor,
Cheshire East Council has made a proposition to change the library opening hours.

This I find atrocious cutting a valuable public service and much wanted community space.

July 6, 2023
FEATURE: What personality traits do you need to be a foster carer?

FEATURE: What personality traits do you need to be a foster carer?

Have you ever thought about becoming a foster carer? If so, you might have wondered what skills and attributes you need.

There are plenty of training courses for potential foster carers which can help teach strategies for adapting to life in the role, but certain personality traits are also necessary to excel in the role.

July 6, 2023