Features & Lifestyle

FEATURE: Top tips for cutting your heating bills this winter

FEATURE: Top tips for cutting your heating bills this winter

Many of us will be anxious about the coming winter.

With nearly a quarter of UK adults planning to keep their heating off for the entire winter, the cost of living crisis and the enormous hike in energy prices is on everyone’s mind.

November 11, 2022
FEATURE: Winter safety tips for outdoor workers

FEATURE: Winter safety tips for outdoor workers

For those working outdoors during winter, there are several safety challenges worth considering.

The weather is colder, rainfall (and hail and snow) is more common, and the daylight hours are fewer.

November 9, 2022
READER’S LETTER: Mystery of the missing ‘Welcome to Crewe’ sign solved

READER’S LETTER: Mystery of the missing ‘Welcome to Crewe’ sign solved

Dear Editor,
Action by ‘Putting Crewe First’ has ensured that a missing ‘Welcome to Crewe’ sign will be replaced in a few weeks.

The ‘Welcome to Crewe’ road sign on Nantwich Road went missing in February.

November 4, 2022
FEATURE: How to be a successful digital nomad?

FEATURE: How to be a successful digital nomad?

One of the possibilities that technology has opened up is the ability to work remotely while traveling the world.

The key is to stay organized and understand what this new way of working is all about.

November 3, 2022
FEATURE: Is it possible to lose fat and gain muscle at same time?

FEATURE: Is it possible to lose fat and gain muscle at same time?

In a world where almost every aspect of life is automated, it’s becoming harder and harder to stay slim and strong.

Everyone is trying to lose weight, but it doesn’t help that the fitness industry seems to have hundreds of different solutions that fall into two different camps: Either lose weight or gain muscle.

November 2, 2022
FEATURE: Now is the time to prepare your home for Winter

FEATURE: Now is the time to prepare your home for Winter

Don’t leave your winter home preparation until the worst weather comes, get ahead and be prepared now.

Winter is a lovely, cosy time of the year when hot chocolates and cosy coffees galore are matched with crunchy winter walks and plenty of hygge style moments wrapped up inside watching movies.

November 1, 2022
FEATURE: Why do oil spills happen and how to prevent them

FEATURE: Why do oil spills happen and how to prevent them

Oil spills can have severe consequences for wildlife, plants, and the environment. Treatment should be carried out rapidly to minimise damage.

ICE Cleaning is a specialist cleaning company that offers oil spill cleaning services to customers across all industries.

October 31, 2022
FEATURE: What to avoid when travelling on long distant trains

FEATURE: What to avoid when travelling on long distant trains

There’s something magical about travelling long distance with the train.

Their comfy seats, smooth tracks and big windows offer the perfect opportunity to sit back, relax and enjoy the ride until you reach your destination.

October 30, 2022
READER’S LETTER: CEC leader’s rhetoric must match the records

READER’S LETTER: CEC leader’s rhetoric must match the records

Dear Editor
I read Cllr Sam Corcoran’s recent letter to the borough’s wider press, with some incredulity, particularly with regard to planning matters.

He expounds that the “flood of speculative housing applications in Cheshire East when the Conservatives were in charge has now dried up”, releasing his letter in conjunction with the CE media release this week, confirming that the Inspector has approved Part 2 of the Local Plan (SADPD as it’s also referred to).

October 27, 2022
FEATURE: Life’s unexpected expenses: how can you prepare?

FEATURE: Life’s unexpected expenses: how can you prepare?

We’d love everything in life to be plain sailing.

Unfortunately, it’s just a given that sometimes unexpected expenses crop up along the way.

October 26, 2022
FEATURE: Tackling the issue of male mental health

FEATURE: Tackling the issue of male mental health

Despite growing awareness of mental health in modern society, when it comes to male mental health, we still have a problem.

Men face various barriers when it comes to talking about mental illness.

October 25, 2022
READER’S LETTER: Crewe is fly-tipping capital of Cheshire East

READER’S LETTER: Crewe is fly-tipping capital of Cheshire East

Dear Editor,
There were 4,321 incidents of fly-tipping in Cheshire East in the year ending April 2021. That is compared to 1,377 in 2013.

An increase of over 300% There were 541 enforcement actions taken in the year ending April 2021, compared to 764 in 2013, a REDUCTION in enforcements of almost 30%.

October 23, 2022
FEATURE: Lutetium treatment for cancer in Germany

FEATURE: Lutetium treatment for cancer in Germany

Most people associate the word “cancer” with death.

Indeed, in countries with a low level of medicine, doctors are practically powerless against stage 4 cancer.

October 22, 2022