
Reaseheath College joins Amphibian Ark to help endangered animals

Reaseheath College joins Amphibian Ark to help endangered animals

Reaseheath College’s amphibian specialists jumped to help frogs, toads and newts in a Leap Day campaign. Talks by keepers and tours of the amphibian collection and new teaching rooms were on offer when the Nantwich college opened its zoo to the public.

March 9, 2012
Nantwich primary pupils enjoy Life Education classroom visit

Nantwich primary pupils enjoy Life Education classroom visit

Nearly 300 Nantwich schoolchildren learnt about the benefits of healthy living when the Life Education mobile classroom rolled into town. The state-of-the-art classroom visited Pear Tree Primary in Stapeley and St Oswald’s CE primary in Worleston.

March 9, 2012
Man arrested after car hits telegraph pole on A530, Nantwich

Man arrested after car hits telegraph pole on A530, Nantwich

The busy A530 between Nantwich and Whitchurch was closed after a car careered off the road and smashed into a telegraph pole. The accident happened along Whitchurch Road in Broomhall, near Nantwich, between the Sound Lane junction and the Cock Lane junction.

March 9, 2012
South Cheshire motorbike groups team up for St Luke’s Hospice ride

South Cheshire motorbike groups team up for St Luke’s Hospice ride

Motorbikers will be out on South Cheshire’s country roads as part of the second St Luke’s Hospice charity ride this month. The event will see 12 local motorcycle and scooter clubs coming together to organise a fund-raising event to support the hospice based in Winsford.

March 8, 2012
Brine Leas School scoops tickets for Jubilee event at Westminster Abbey

Brine Leas School scoops tickets for Jubilee event at Westminster Abbey

Pupils at Brine Leas School in Nantwich have scooped tickets to this year’s Diamond Jubilee Commonwealth Day Observance in Westminster Abbey. Hundreds of schools and youth groups applied and Brine Leas won 20 thanks to the creativity of time capsule entries from students.

March 8, 2012
Nantwich Police drugs dog welcomed by town pub bosses

Nantwich Police drugs dog welcomed by town pub bosses

Nantwich Police are using four legs in their battle against drugs in the town. They patrolled the pubs and clubs of Nantwich with a “passive” drugs dog to find suspected offenders.

March 7, 2012
South Cheshire designer to star at International Women’s Day event

South Cheshire designer to star at International Women’s Day event

A South Cheshire garden designer will take centre stage at Eve Ensler’s world renowned “V*gina Monologues” to support Greater Manchester women fleeing domestic abuse. Elizabeth Buckley, 54, will join 12 other women at the Birdcage nightclub in Manchester tomorrow (March 8).

March 7, 2012
Fat Face gains permission to convert Ye Olde Vaults Nantwich pub

Fat Face gains permission to convert Ye Olde Vaults Nantwich pub

National clothing chain Fat Face has been granted permission to transform Nantwich’s former Ye Olde Vaults pub. Cheshire East Council has approved the conversion of the Grade II-listed three-storey building in High Street.

March 6, 2012
270 new homes firm in Nantwich Town Council mix-up

270 new homes firm in Nantwich Town Council mix-up

Nantwich residents were left disgruntled when a property firm proposing to build 270 homes failed to turn up to give a presentation. Around a dozen residents attended Nantwich Town Council expecting to hear from Gladman Developments on proposals for land off Marsh Lane.

March 6, 2012
TV’s Fred Talbot enjoys Reaseheath College’s lambing event

TV’s Fred Talbot enjoys Reaseheath College’s lambing event

TV personality Fred Talbot saw a lamb being born for the first time when he visited Reaseheath College in Nantwich. The popular Granada Reports presenter and weather forecaster watched 18-year-old Colin Potts, a Level 2 Diploma in Agriculture student, deliver the lamb.

March 6, 2012
World Book Day authors visit Richmond Village Nantwich

World Book Day authors visit Richmond Village Nantwich

Residents and guests at Richmond Village Nantwich marked World Book Day by welcoming two local authors to their celebrations. Anne Wragg, author of “Peggy Wood – Fighting the Law”, was a guest with local historian Andrew Lamberton, author of several Nantwich history books.

March 5, 2012
Ships’ logs sell for more than £6,000 at Nantwich auction

Ships’ logs sell for more than £6,000 at Nantwich auction

A collection of ships’ logs illustrated with drawings and watercolour sketches, sold for £6,190 at a Nantwich auction. The most valuable compiled by Herbert Edward Leadam sold for £3,000 against and estimate of £400 at the Peter Wilson auction on Market Street.

March 5, 2012
MRSA cases reduced at Leighton Hospital, say Trust chiefs

MRSA cases reduced at Leighton Hospital, say Trust chiefs

Leighton Hospital bosses have managed a two-year period free from MRSA bacteraemia (bloodstream infections) cases. Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (MCHFT) reached the landmark in February 2012.

March 5, 2012