
Private landlords face tougher penalties for poor housing in Cheshire East

Private landlords face tougher penalties for poor housing in Cheshire East

Private sector landlords in Crewe and Nantwich are being warned of tough new penalties to crack down on poor housing standards.

Cheshire East Council has amended its housing enforcement policy to include new powers, which could see the most serious offenders banned from letting properties altogether or entered on to a national database of rogue landlords.

July 31, 2018
Thousands of GP patients in South Cheshire still without full out of hours access

Thousands of GP patients in South Cheshire still without full out of hours access

Thousands of registered GP patients in South Cheshire still do not have access to out of hours appointments, latest figures revealed today.

Only 13% of the 185,538 patients registered in the South Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group area have full out of hours provision, according to data compiled by the BBC and shared with Nantwich News.

July 30, 2018
Councillor calls on Cheshire East to make plans to tackle fracking firms

Councillor calls on Cheshire East to make plans to tackle fracking firms

By Stephen Topping
A Labour member is calling on Cheshire East Council to make sure it has a voice if gas firms apply to frack on the borough’s land.

Cllr Nick Mannion, member for Macclesfield West and Ivy, told Thursday’s full council meeting that CEC should challenge the Government over its policy to make decisions on fracking sites that go against the wishes of both communities and local planning authorities.

July 27, 2018
More than 1,000 take part in Cheshire East Council culture change scheme

More than 1,000 take part in Cheshire East Council culture change scheme

By Stephen Topping
More than 1,000 people have taken part in a programme to change the workplace culture of Cheshire East Council.

The local authority revealed in March that it had hired consultancy firm Sticky Change on a 12-month contract worth £152,460 to help it work on a ‘brighter future together’ scheme.

July 25, 2018
New Cheshire Fire training centre costs soar by more than £1.6 million

New Cheshire Fire training centre costs soar by more than £1.6 million

By Stephen Topping
A new training centre for Cheshire’s firefighters has moved a step closer to reality – but its cost has soared by more than £1.6 million.

Members of the Cheshire Fire Authority approved plans for a state-of-the-art training centre in Winsford last September, with the facility expected to cost more than £9 million.

July 24, 2018
Cheshire Wildlife Trust wins extra funding in HS2 Phase 2a battle

Cheshire Wildlife Trust wins extra funding in HS2 Phase 2a battle

Cheshire Wildlife Trust says it has secured more funding to secure landscaping and ecology work when the HS2 rail line is built through South Cheshire.

Members of the trust say they have “received assurances” from the company that their concerns have been taken on-board for Phase 2a of the work.

July 21, 2018
Former Cheshire East Council officer says tribunal “took its toll” on health

Former Cheshire East Council officer says tribunal “took its toll” on health

By Stephen Topping
A former HR officer who lost her employment tribunal case against Cheshire East Council says she will now rebuild her mental and physical health after a demanding 18 months.

Sue Wallace, of Connah’s Quay, claimed the local authority had unfairly dismissed her in December 2016 because she attempted to highlight a failure to pay the minimum wage to staff who worked ‘sleep-in shifts’ through the whistleblowing process.

July 20, 2018
Former Cheshire East Council officer loses unfair dismissal case

Former Cheshire East Council officer loses unfair dismissal case

By Stephen Topping
A former HR officer who accused Cheshire East Council of unfairly dismissing her after trying to raise concerns through the whistleblowing process, has lost her employment tribunal.

Sue Wallace, of Connah’s Quay, claimed the local authority dismissed her in December 2016 because she attempted to highlight a failure to pay the minimum wage to care staff and Tatton Park employees who had worked ‘sleep-in shifts’.

July 18, 2018
Bid to improve care for SEND youngsters in Cheshire East after damning inspection

Bid to improve care for SEND youngsters in Cheshire East after damning inspection

By Stephen Topping
Urgent measures to improve support for youngsters in Cheshire East with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) have been drawn up following a damning inspection.

Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) found “serious weaknesses” when they assessed Cheshire East Council and NHS bodies in the borough on their provision for SEND support in March.

July 17, 2018
Nantwich Barony Park ‘transfer’ could help resolve travellers issue

Nantwich Barony Park ‘transfer’ could help resolve travellers issue

Nantwich Town councillors could request Barony Park be transferred to them from Cheshire East Council in a bid to resolve ongoing issues with unauthorised traveller encampments.

The idea was mooted at last night’s Nantwich Town Council where members of the public, police and councillors discussed how to prevent traveller groups gaining access to the park.

July 13, 2018
Crewe & Nantwich MP Laura Smith backs breast cancer fair at Parliament

Crewe & Nantwich MP Laura Smith backs breast cancer fair at Parliament

Crewe & Nantwich MP Laura Smith joined the search for new life-saving breast cancer treatments at a research fair in Parliament.

The fair, hosted by UK charity Breast Cancer Now, was an opportunity to meet scientists behind cutting-edge research.

July 12, 2018
Councillors agree £1 million expansion of South Cheshire special needs school

Councillors agree £1 million expansion of South Cheshire special needs school

Cheshire East councillors have backed a £1 million expansion of a school in South Cheshire for children with special educational needs.

Springfield Special School, in Crewe, is to increase from 132 pupils places to 156 under proposals backed by the council’s cabinet.

July 11, 2018
Cheshire East Council suspended chief executive resigns

Cheshire East Council suspended chief executive resigns

The suspended chief executive of Cheshire East Council Mike Suarez has handed in his resignation, the authority has confirmed.

Mr Suarez was suspended in April 2017 by the council’s investigation and disciplinary committee.

July 10, 2018