Clubs & Societies

Nantwich Players Studio team to perform “Vintage Hitchcock”

Nantwich Players Studio team to perform “Vintage Hitchcock”

Nantwich Players’ award-winning Studio team are back to perform “Vintage Hitchcock” later this month.

This time, spies, murder, love, and other trademarks of Alfred Hitchcock come to life in the style of a 1940s radio broadcast of the master of suspense’s earlier films.

December 4, 2019
Nantwich Camera Club retains prestigious Alan Challinor Trophy

Nantwich Camera Club retains prestigious Alan Challinor Trophy

Nantwich Camera Club members celebrated after retaining the prestigious Alan Challinor Trophy which has been running for many years.

And this stunning image “Winter Sentinels” by Nantwich photographer Andrew Charlesworth CPAGB won Print of the Night at the awards.

November 27, 2019
Crewe & Nantwich Round Table unveils Santa journey!

Crewe & Nantwich Round Table unveils Santa journey!

That guy in red will soon be on his way!

Santa is getting ready – and thanks to Crewe & Nantiwch Round Table he will be calling at a wide range of places across South Cheshire this December.

November 15, 2019
2019 Nantwch Camera Club Photographic Exhibition

2019 Nantwch Camera Club Photographic Exhibition

The 2019 Nantwich Camera Club Photographic Exhibition featuring work from members of the successful club has opened at Nantwich Museum.

The annual event includes stunning print and projected images of a range of inspiring subjects.

November 9, 2019
Black Tie fund-raising ball set for Nantwich Town FC

Black Tie fund-raising ball set for Nantwich Town FC

By Jonathan White
A fund-raising “Black Tie Ball” in aid of the local partially-sighted team takes place at Nantwich Town FC on Saturday November 23.

Tickets are £15 per person (price includes food).

November 1, 2019
What’s On: Musical concerts in South Cheshire

What’s On: Musical concerts in South Cheshire

A number of musical concerts are to take place in South Cheshire over the next few weeks.

Worleston Music School’s next performance is at 7pm on 16th November at St Mary’s Church, Nantwich.

October 31, 2019
Rosie Pugh unveils memoir at Nantwich Museum event

Rosie Pugh unveils memoir at Nantwich Museum event

By Jonathan White
Local writer Rosie Pugh will be launching her memoir “Secrets Within Crumbling Castles” at Nantwich Museum later this month.

Rosie will be at the Pillory Street venue on Sunday October 27 from 2-4pm.

October 17, 2019
Nantwich Film Club to screen Wild Rose movie

Nantwich Film Club to screen Wild Rose movie

Nantwich Film Club returns on Monday October 14 with the screening of “Wild Rose”.

What are you willing to sacrifice to follow your dream?

October 12, 2019
Nantwich Civic Hall Fifty Plus club celebrates 40th birthday

Nantwich Civic Hall Fifty Plus club celebrates 40th birthday

Nantwich Civic Hall’s Fifty Plus Club has celebrated its 40th anniversary.

From the start of the club until present day, it has been at the heart of the community providing a weekly hub for people to meet new friends and socialise.

October 2, 2019
South Cheshire Model Engineering Society stage Macmillan fundraiser

South Cheshire Model Engineering Society stage Macmillan fundraiser

By Jonathan White
South Cheshire Model Engineering Society hosted a fundraising event for Macmillan Cancer Support on their premises at the rear of The Peacock Inn in Willaston.

September 29, 2019
Nantwich Players to stage “Jeeves and Wooster” production

Nantwich Players to stage “Jeeves and Wooster” production

Nantwich Players are braced for the next production of the season – the riotously funny “Jeeves and Wooster in Perfect Nonsense”.

September 20, 2019
Shavington Drama Group to stage “Tiptoe Through the Tombstones”

Shavington Drama Group to stage “Tiptoe Through the Tombstones”

By Claire Faulkner
Shavington Drama Group are celebrating their 30th year by presenting “Tiptoe Through The Tombstones” this week.

Written by Norman Robbins and directed by Megan Goode, the local drama group have worked hard to produce a show they hope everyone will enjoy.

September 16, 2019
Hundreds enjoy South Cheshire Model Engineering Society open day

Hundreds enjoy South Cheshire Model Engineering Society open day

By Jonathan White
Families enjoyed the South Cheshire Model Engineering Society annual Open Day at the rear of The Peacock Inn in Willaston.

There were miniature-gauge steam, diesel and battery electric train rides on the 5-inch railway track which is almost a quarter of a mile in length.

September 8, 2019