Health and fitness

FEATURE: The importance of meaningful human connection

FEATURE: The importance of meaningful human connection

Humans are naturally communal – we thrive on our social ties.

Without meaningful human connections it’s easy for us to become apathetic and dispirited.

November 4, 2021
FEATURE: How is artificial intelligence changing these five industries?

FEATURE: How is artificial intelligence changing these five industries?

Technology is growing at an exponential rate.

Smart devices are integrated into our everyday activities – from your home’s heating system to the coffee machine.

November 1, 2021
FEATURE: Should you get veneers for that perfect smile?

FEATURE: Should you get veneers for that perfect smile?

If you’re bashful about flashing your grin in public and it’s causing you to worry or stress, you may want to look into a cosmetic procedure to give you a little more confidence.

July 12, 2021
FEATURE: Mum injects ‘natural’ into beauty treatments at Nantwich clinic

FEATURE: Mum injects ‘natural’ into beauty treatments at Nantwich clinic

A Nantwich company recognised for its holistic approach to physical and mental health has launched natural beauty treatments designed to boost confidence and wellbeing.

Embody, a new division at ctchealthcare physiotherapy clinics in Crewe and Nantwich, is helping people combat the signs of ageing with cosmetic acupuncture, LED light therapy and cruelty-free REN skin products.

May 27, 2021
FEATURE: 4 tips for a beautiful smile this summer

FEATURE: 4 tips for a beautiful smile this summer

A beautiful smile comes from having confidence.

This confidence usually stems from taking care of your teeth, so that you are proud to show them to the world.

May 27, 2021
FEATURE: 3 psychology tips to become better punter

FEATURE: 3 psychology tips to become better punter

Psychology is much more than just Sigmund Freud and the Stanford Prison Experiment.

Many forget that businesses can use psychology to help design products and create healthy behaviour in the workforce.

March 30, 2021
FEATURE: How Nantwich Clinic Super Inductive System changed my life

FEATURE: How Nantwich Clinic Super Inductive System changed my life

A Nantwich woman has told how a revolutionary piece of kit run by Nantwich Clinic has helped change her life.

Clinic owners Tom and Gill Fox have a high-tech piece of equipment called Super Inductive System (SIS) which they believe brings hope to many suffering chronic and acute pain.

March 26, 2021
FEATURE: 5 tips for raising an NHS negligence complaint

FEATURE: 5 tips for raising an NHS negligence complaint

The NHS does an amazing job. The pandemic has highlighted this more than ever before. But sometimes it goes wrong.

If you’re ever in a position where you’ve been mistreated by a medical professional, you can raise an NHS negligence complaint to hold those responsible to account.

March 25, 2021
How Samaritans of South Cheshire is helping community during Covid times

How Samaritans of South Cheshire is helping community during Covid times

Volunteers for the Samaritans of South Cheshire have been playing a vital support role for people struggling in an unprecedented year.

The pandemic has left many with feelings of despair and more than ever before have been turning to this essential service for help.

November 9, 2020
FEATURE: Nantwich woman’s message of hope to those with epilepsy

FEATURE: Nantwich woman’s message of hope to those with epilepsy

By Hannah Youds
A Nantwich woman has issued a message of hope to those living with epilepsy.

Carole had suffered from the condition for more than 40 years after being diagnosed as a teenager.

September 29, 2020
FEATURE: Nantwich Pet Vets offer “always there to care” 24-hour service

FEATURE: Nantwich Pet Vets offer “always there to care” 24-hour service

Lockdown has been quiet for many of us – but not when it comes to treating our beloved pets!

And thanks to a massive 24-hours a day effort by Nantwich Pet Vets, thousands of animals have had the care they needed during the Covid-19 pandemic.

September 16, 2020
FEATURE: Making the most of CEC walking and cycling initiative

FEATURE: Making the most of CEC walking and cycling initiative

Many of us are struggling with cabin fever.

With the pandemic’s key public health measure being social distancing, a lot of us have had to stay hunkered down at home with our families, having no idea when things will pick up again.

August 31, 2020
Why Leighton Hospital nurse wrote COVID-19 warning poem

Why Leighton Hospital nurse wrote COVID-19 warning poem

A Leighton Hospital nurse has penned a poem which pleads for people to take COVID-19 seriously.

Jenny Howarth said she felt compelled to write the poem as she felt more people were ignoring Government guidance on staying indoors and social distancing.

June 16, 2020