Letters & Opinion

READER’S LETTER: Wistaston is becoming accident blackspot

READER’S LETTER: Wistaston is becoming accident blackspot

Dear Editor
I have written to Nantwich News several times in recent years about my genuine fear roads in the village of Wistaston will become an accident blackspot due to the associated rise in traffic of several hundred occupants vehicles, due to two new, large housing estates: Wistaston Brook and Kingfisher Reach.

September 12, 2021
READER’S LETTER: CEC Car Parking Review – will charges go up or down?

READER’S LETTER: CEC Car Parking Review – will charges go up or down?

Dear Editor,
Looking forward to the Highways and Transport Committee meeting due to be held on 21st September I wonder if the already delayed car parking strategy will make it onto the agenda.

If so, I wonder what it will seek to impose on us?

September 8, 2021
READER’S LETTER: “Sign petition and save parish councils from abolition”

READER’S LETTER: “Sign petition and save parish councils from abolition”

Dear Editor,
Minshull Vernon and District Parish Council have put the petition below on the Cheshire East website.

We are urging all residents to sign the petition, to show the Borough Council that they want their overwhelming democratic vote, to save their Parish Council from abolition, to be honoured.

August 28, 2021
READER’S LETTER: Part of West Street wall in Crewe should have been kept

READER’S LETTER: Part of West Street wall in Crewe should have been kept

Dear Editor
In 2015 a London pub was demolished without permission by developers.

The Carlton Cavern was the only building on the street that wasn’t destroyed during the Blitz in World War Two.

August 16, 2021
READER’S LETTER: Stop further consultation on parish abolition

READER’S LETTER: Stop further consultation on parish abolition

Dear Editor,
In the three Parish Polls on the 10/6/21, residents voted by massive majorities against the changes proposed by the Cheshire East Council.

August 6, 2021
READER’S LETTER: Politicians “make life difficult” for elderly

READER’S LETTER: Politicians “make life difficult” for elderly

Dear Editor
Politicians of all colours and the BBC are doing their best to make life difficult for the elderly.

First, the Tories proposed a deeply unpopular ‘Dementia Tax’ in their 2017 Manifesto.

July 27, 2021
Janet Clowes, Conservative group leader

READER’S LETTER: CEC telecare charges debate “not simple”

Dear Editor,
19th July 2021: “Anger over Cheshire East Consultation to charge over 85’s for alarms” (Belinda Ryan)

I read this article with interest – after all, I was the Cabinet member in 2015 who oversaw the implementation of this policy.

July 20, 2021
READER’S LETTER: Year on and Wistaston Green Road danger not fixed

READER’S LETTER: Year on and Wistaston Green Road danger not fixed

Dear Editor,
I raised my concerns last August and again in January this year relating to the safety of walkers on the busy Wistaston Green Road in Wistaston, due to its degraded road surface and the obstructions and narrowing of the path adjacent to the Bellway ‘Kingfisher Reach’ housing development construction site

July 19, 2021
READER’S LETTER: Supermarket workers feel “unsafe, undervalued”

READER’S LETTER: Supermarket workers feel “unsafe, undervalued”

Dear Editor,
The pandemic has been an unsettling and stressful time for us all, but while we have navigated this unprecedented time, one of the things that has remained constant is the hard work of supermarket shop floor workers who put themselves at an increased risk to keep our fridges and cupboards stocked.

July 8, 2021
READER’S LETTER: Thanks to British Heart Foundation volunteers

READER’S LETTER: Thanks to British Heart Foundation volunteers

Dear Editor,
The UK’s leading heart charity, the British Heart Foundation (BHF) wants to say thank you to all its fantastic shop volunteers, ahead of Thank You Day (4th July 2021).

Our shop volunteers play a vital role in raising funds for life saving research – without their passion and drive we wouldn’t have been able to fund scientific breakthroughs for 60 years.

July 1, 2021
Witters field

READER’S LETTER: New Health Secretary “cemented” relationship with Wistaston

Dear Editor
The new Health Secretary – Sajid Javid – has been appointed after the resignation of Matt Hancock for breaking social distancing guidelines.

June 27, 2021
READER’S LETTER: CEC must drop “deeply unpopular” parish proposals

READER’S LETTER: CEC must drop “deeply unpopular” parish proposals

Dear Editor,
In the three Parish Polls on the 10/6/21, residents voted by massive majorities against the changes to parishes proposed by the Cheshire East Council.

June 26, 2021
READER’S LETTER: CEC “ignore own guidelines” in road gritting cuts

READER’S LETTER: CEC “ignore own guidelines” in road gritting cuts

Dear Editor,
In February 2020, together with councillor colleagues, I ‘called-in’ the Labour-Independent Coalition decision to slash gritting routes across the borough.

We won a second consultation which councillors, parish councils and local leaders (including head teachers), responded to in significant detail.

June 26, 2021