Letters & Opinion

Cllr Janet Clowes

LETTER: Leisure centre rhetoric offers no guarantees

Dear Editor,
Last November, I robustly challenged the Labour-led administration’s plans to cut four “shared leisure centres” aligned with four of our high schools.

After further public consultation, I attended Monday’s E&C Committee meeting where it must be said, important progress had been made.

March 12, 2024
LETTER: Cheshire East short of common sense, not money

LETTER: Cheshire East short of common sense, not money

Dear Editor,
Labour run Cheshire East are not short of money. Cheshire East is short of good management and common sense.

If the Council was managed properly there would be no need for the usual inflation busting Council Tax increases each year.

March 6, 2024
LETTER: CEC should be ashamed over Crewe’s Old Baths

LETTER: CEC should be ashamed over Crewe’s Old Baths

Dear Editor,
The old Crewe Baths in Flag Lane have now been abandoned for EIGHT YEARS and they are in a deplorable state.

It is an art deco, listed building that is part of Crewe’s heritage and history.

February 25, 2024
LETTER: CEC school meals service needs exploring

LETTER: CEC school meals service needs exploring

Dear Editor
Your report on the school meals service identifies a major cost item of CEC that needs to be explored further.

It shows how CEC is top heavy. Commenting on the report is a Director of Strong Start, Family help and Integration PLUS a Head of Children’s Development & Partnership.

February 14, 2024
LETTER: “Thank you to residents of Crewe Central Ward”

LETTER: “Thank you to residents of Crewe Central Ward”

Dear Editor,
I would like to put on record my sincere thanks to everyone in Crewe Central Ward who took the time to vote for me in last Thursday’s Cheshire East by-election.

February 12, 2024
LETTER: View on new Tory splinter group “Popular Conservatism”

LETTER: View on new Tory splinter group “Popular Conservatism”

Dear Editor,
I was intrigued by last Tuesday’s launch of the latest Tory splinter group “Popular Conservatism” by Liz Truss.

As the shortest-lasting of the 57 Prime Ministers in the 300 year history of the post, having crashed the economy in seven weeks, she is the most UN – popular major figure in politics. What a joke!

February 12, 2024
LETTER: #CreweFirst makes progress in Crewe Central by-election

LETTER: #CreweFirst makes progress in Crewe Central by-election

Dear Editor,
#CreweFirst has continued to make progress in the #CreweCentral by-election.

#CreweFirst increased its vote and its share of the vote in the Ward.

February 9, 2024
LETTER: Chancellor’s talk of tax cuts is “highly misleading”

LETTER: Chancellor’s talk of tax cuts is “highly misleading”

Dear Editor,
The Chancellor is trying to distract voters from the record level of taxes by titillating friendly media outlets with talk of tax cuts.

February 5, 2024
LETTER: Why I support RNID’s ear wax campaign

LETTER: Why I support RNID’s ear wax campaign

Dear Editor,
I am writing to support RNID’s ear wax campaign and share my personal experience of struggling to get ear wax removal.

I haven’t been denied a wax removal but know that I can’t get one if I need one without paying a fortune privately.

January 31, 2024
LETTER: To the Chancellor from Cheshire tourism leaders

LETTER: To the Chancellor from Cheshire tourism leaders

Tourist, business and council leaders in Cheshire and Warrington have penned an open letter to Chancellor Jeremy Hunt calling for the reintroduction of tax-free shopping for EU visitors – to create thousands of jobs and inject “hundreds of millions of pounds of income” into the region’s economy.

January 25, 2024
LETTER: Crackdown on over-running utility works

LETTER: Crackdown on over-running utility works

Dear Editor,
When utility company roadworks overrun, it’s motorists who pay the price with congestion, detours and longer journeys.

This is why I’ve announced a plan to crack down on works by utility companies overrunning.

January 23, 2024
Cllr Janet Clowes

LETTER: Cheshire East Council – reserves, revenue and risk

Dear Editor
Okay, council finances are dry reading but CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy) offers a useful explanation of Council Reserves because reserves are important.

They 1) cushion the impacts of uneven cash flows and avoid temporary borrowing. 2) provide a contingency for unexpected emergencies and 3) can be ‘earmarked’ to meet anticipated requirements.

January 21, 2024
LETTER: Cheshire East Council Budget Consultation 2024-25

LETTER: Cheshire East Council Budget Consultation 2024-25

Dear Editor,
In one of the documents of Cheshire East Council Budget Consultation, you show that central support has dropped for £55M to near zero over 10 years, then state that “The council must therefore do things differently for less”

January 17, 2024