Clubs & Societies

Nantwich Players to run first ‘Mini Season’ of performances

Nantwich Players to run first ‘Mini Season’ of performances

Nantwich Players are to stage their first ‘Mini Season’ between February 11-24.

The Mini Season provides four plays over two weeks, giving the audience more chances to see exciting theatre.

January 23, 2019
Nantwich gears up for “Battle of Nantwich” Holly Holy Day

Nantwich gears up for “Battle of Nantwich” Holly Holy Day

Nantwich is once again gearing up for one of its busiest days of the year when Holly Holy Day commemorations are held on January 26.

The town centre is likely to be packed as thousands cram in to watch The Sealed Knot re-enact the infamous 1644 Battle of Nantwich.

January 10, 2019
Nantwich events raise money for blood cancer charity Bloodwise

Nantwich events raise money for blood cancer charity Bloodwise

By Jonathan White
The South Cheshire branch of blood cancer charity ‘Bloodwise’ has raised money for the charity at three events in Nantwich.

A coffee morning on December 15 was held at Nantwich Parish Rooms and raised £117.65.

January 7, 2019
Nominate now for Nantwich Mayor’s ‘Salt of the Earth’ awards

Nominate now for Nantwich Mayor’s ‘Salt of the Earth’ awards

Nantwich residents have a chance to vote for people who make a real difference to the town in this year’s Nantwich Mayor “Salt of the Earth” awards.

Current Mayor Cllr David Marren is following in the footsteps of former Mayors in staging the awards to recognise and celebrate the achievements of individuals, groups and businesses.

January 4, 2019
Andrews Panto & Plays Society to stage comedy Christmas Carol

Andrews Panto & Plays Society to stage comedy Christmas Carol

By Jonathan White
The Andrews Panto & Plays Society (TAPPS) are performing a comedy version of ‘A Christmas Carol’ on January 11 and 12.

The show will be at St Andrew’s Church Hall, Bedford Street, Crewe starting at 7pm both days with a matinee on Saturday at 2pm.

January 3, 2019
Nantwich Museum unveils 2019 exhibition programme

Nantwich Museum unveils 2019 exhibition programme

Nantwich Museum has unveiled its exhibition programme for 2019 featuring a range of art and historical subjects.

It kicks off with the “Inspired by . . .” exhibition, by Intastitch (pictured, below), displaying a range of influences, interests and techniques used in textile art.

December 31, 2018
Nantwich Film Club to screen “Edie” at January showing

Nantwich Film Club to screen “Edie” at January showing

Nantwich Film Club will be screening the highly acclaimed British movie, Edie, at its January showing.

The film will be shown on January 14 at Nantwich Civic Hall.

December 19, 2018
Nantwich Historical Society to stage St Mary’s Church talk

Nantwich Historical Society to stage St Mary’s Church talk

Nantwich Historical Society will stage a presentation tonight (December 5) on the subject of St Mary’s Church.

The speaker is Herbert Rowsell, Chairman of the Society.

December 5, 2018
Santa sets up Grotto in Nantwich Bookshop

Santa sets up Grotto in Nantwich Bookshop

By Jonathan White
Santa Claus is finding time in a busy schedule to set up his popular Grotto in Nantwich Bookshop.

The Grotto will be open next week upstairs in the attic of the Nantwich Bookshop & Coffee Lounge on High Street.

December 1, 2018
Crewe & District Parkinson’s UK branch raises £5,600 at Nantwich event

Crewe & District Parkinson’s UK branch raises £5,600 at Nantwich event

The Crewe & District Parkinson’s UK team has raised an amazing £5,600 at a fundraiser at Nantwich Civic Hall.

Sue Pickup, vice chairman of Crewe and District Parkinson’s UK, was helped by family and committee members in putting on the show.

November 26, 2018
Nantwich Museum Christmas Craft Fair set for November 24

Nantwich Museum Christmas Craft Fair set for November 24

Nantwich Museum’s Christmas Craft Fair featuring goods made by the museum’s Craft Group will take place 10.30am to 3pm on Saturday November 24.

Items for sale in aid of museum funds include handmade Christmas gifts and decorations.

November 15, 2018
Nantwich Singers to perform at St Mary’s Church Remembrance event

Nantwich Singers to perform at St Mary’s Church Remembrance event

The Nantwich Singers will be performing in St Mary’s Church as part of the Remembrance Sunday commemorations on November 11.

They will be singing the Requiem by Gabriel Fauré as part of the events to mark the end of the Great War, 100 years ago on this day.

November 7, 2018
Nantwich Museum opens new “Empowerment of Women” exhibition

Nantwich Museum opens new “Empowerment of Women” exhibition

A new exhibition “Empowerment of Women – a local perspective” has opened in the Your Space Gallery at Nantwich Museum.

Developed by members of the museum’s Research Group, the exhibition celebrates the centenary of the earliest successes of the women’s suffrage campaign.

November 5, 2018