
FEATURE: 3 tips for finding friends as a Freshman

FEATURE: 3 tips for finding friends as a Freshman

One of the most important things for young people is meeting new individuals and making friends.

Companions will help you in tough times and be here for you when you need them.

June 27, 2022
FEATURE: Is university the key to success?

FEATURE: Is university the key to success?

Universities are hubs of learning. They are not all about exams and papers.

These academic institutions have shaped the minds of many brilliant people across the generations.

June 13, 2022
FEATURE: Music has consequences: Amazing stories from students

FEATURE: Music has consequences: Amazing stories from students

There are a lot of real-life stories about how songs have helped people in troublesome situations.

There are many stories about how music motivates people too.

June 1, 2022
FEATURE: 4 steps to finding success studying abroad

FEATURE: 4 steps to finding success studying abroad

Getting on a plane all alone to jet off to a new adventure after high school is exciting but incredibly daunting.

Studying abroad is a huge life change and many students feel a serious pressure to be successful and make the most of their time away.

March 24, 2022
FEATURE: Four tips for helping your kids with school

FEATURE: Four tips for helping your kids with school

Finding the right approach to helping your kids with school is not easy, especially in the first few years.

You have to be patient and understanding and go out of your way to do research on various topics a lot of the time.

December 15, 2021
FEATURE: Five tips for running a safe classroom science practical

FEATURE: Five tips for running a safe classroom science practical

Science is one of the few subjects in school that provides students with elements of practical learning.

Whether that is through handling experiments, developing an understanding of safety principles or gathering data and results, the importance of this subject should not be lost on pupils.

November 19, 2021
FEATURE: How is artificial intelligence changing these five industries?

FEATURE: How is artificial intelligence changing these five industries?

Technology is growing at an exponential rate.

Smart devices are integrated into our everyday activities – from your home’s heating system to the coffee machine.

November 1, 2021
FEATURE: What are benefits and drawbacks of studying sport at school?

FEATURE: What are benefits and drawbacks of studying sport at school?

Studying sport at school can be a great choice, especially if you want to pursue a career in the sporting field.

But, before you jump into a decision it’s worth noting the benefits and drawbacks of studying sport.

October 14, 2021
FEATURE: How to send your kids back to school on a budget

FEATURE: How to send your kids back to school on a budget

With September just around the corner, it signals getting ready to send kids back to school.

It’s often an exciting time, but also an expensive one when you add up the cost of school supplies, a new backpack, lunchbox, and clothes.

August 17, 2021

Music teacher’s “sympathy” for those without access to virtual lessons

By Hannah Youds
The education system has been hugely disrupted during the pandemic, with the majority of teaching now being carried out through online learning.

But what about those people who face the issue of not being able to attend music lessons?

January 30, 2021
Crewe and Nantwich college students unlock digital superpowers

Crewe and Nantwich college students unlock digital superpowers

By Hannah Youds
Students at Cheshire College – South and West will be unlocking ‘digital superpowers’ in a new partnership with Virtalis.

A new immersive design lab has been opened at the college in Crewe, backed by the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership.

January 28, 2021
FEATURE: How school students cope in lockdown as ‘work’ piles up?

FEATURE: How school students cope in lockdown as ‘work’ piles up?

With school doors shut to many and classrooms out of reach, how are students coping with the masses of school content yet to be taught?
Here, Brine Leas student Zack Sharp offers an insight into the impact lockdown has had on pupils like him.

June 23, 2020